Phone: 406.752.7680
HB 448 RTW Legislation
Updated On: Feb 13, 2023

HB 448 RTW
Feb 13, 2023

Sisters and Brothers,

WE NEED HELP TO STOP HB 448! We need people to show up Friday the 17th at 8 am at the capital in Helena to show congress we don't want "Right to work" in Montana! Below is more information and how to message the committee and your legislator. So send a message to both then show up this Friday!

Please send messages to the members of this committee to state your opposition. Below are instructions on how to do this:

BY PHONE: Individuals can call 406.444.4800 and say they want to leave a message for members of the House Business and Labor committee.



AND FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO MESSAGE YOUR LEGISLATOR : To submit a comment opposing HB448 go to and follow the instructions below.

1. After you fill out the required fields, you must choose the Legislator or committee to which you would like to submit a comment. This bill is in the House Business and Labor Committee. To find your legislator click here

This is a House bill, so you must make sure you select (H) Business and Labor or Your Legislator from the drop-down menu.

2. Under Bill Type and Number select HB and type 448.

3. Enter your message to the committee. Keep it simple and to the point. Below are message guidelines.

HB448 would undermine Montana workers' freedom to join together and have a meaningful voice in the workplace by telling employers and employees what they can and can’t bargain for. This bad bill will damage Montana’s economy, depress wages for workers, and radically increase workplace fatalities. That's just not how we do things in Montana.

Lowers Wages, resulting in weaker local economic outcomes: 16% lower wages for police officers and firefighters, 11% lower wages for construction workers, 7% lower wages for registered nurses, 5% lower wages for elementary and secondary school teachers, and 3% lower wages for manufacturing workers. In Idaho, construction workers earn almost $9,000 less per year than in Montana. Undermines paths to high-paying jobs: Apprenticeships, paid for by workers and employers, give workers the valuable skills that employers need. More dangerous work: Workers in Right-to-Work states are 54% likelier to die on the job than workers in non-Right-to-Work states. WEAKER JOB GROWTH: In recent years, private-sector job growth in Montana has outpaced that of its RTW neighbors. From 2007 to 2019, employment grew 10.1% in Montana compared with 8.6% in neighboring RTW states.

House Business and Labor Committee Members

Steve Gunderson (R) HD 1- Libby, Mt

Denley M Loge (R) HD 14- St Regis, Mt

Ross H Fitzgerald (R) HD 17- Power, Mt

Fred Anderson (R) HD 20- Great Falls, Mt

Edward Buttrey (R) HD 21- Great Falls, Mt

Steven Galloway (R) HD 24- Great Falls, Mt

Steve Gist (R) HD 25- Cascade, Mt

James Bergstrom (R) HD 30- Buffalo, Mt

Greg Oblander (R) HD 40- Billings, Mt

Kerri Seekins-Crowe (R) HD 43- Billings, Mt

Katie Zolnikov (R) HD 45- Billings, Mt

Nelly Nicol (R) HD 53- Billings, Mt

Eric Matthews (D) HD 66- Bozeman, Mt

Jennifer Lynch (D) HD 73-Butte, Mt

Derek J Harvey (D) HD 74-Butte, Mt

Ron Marshall (R) HD 87- Hamilton, Mt

Katie Sullivan (D) HD 89- Missoula, Mt

Jonathan Karlen (D) HD 96- Missoula, Mt

Robert Carter (D) HD 98- Missoula, Mt

Contact Info
IBEW Local 768
347 2nd Ave West
Kalispell, MT 59903

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